Thursday, 16 March 2017

They found it !

Summer 2016...
“They found it"..Evan and Adam walked over it and it wasn't until they headed back two years later that they realized they had found the Lost Creek Mine... so they say...
On a 12-day traverse from Harrison Lake towards Pitt Lake this was the only mineralization they saw. It was in a huge gap in the rock, deep down under the lip of a glacier. The location matched that of  Volcanic Brown's supposed last camp. 
The outcrop of rock is so far the best and most promising find in the search for the lost gold mine!! 
However, when they returned to their base camp after two days of careful examination and exploring  they found their tent crushed by a massive boulder (see below) Was this the curse?!? The ghost of Volcanic Brown? Or is it something else, not even of this earth? Click on the images to enlarge. 

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