Tuesday 13 May 2008

Slumach and Riel

It is suggested that Slumach's hangman also hanged Louis Riel in November 1885. The execution of Louis Riel was done by Jack Henderson but it is not likely that he was the executioner of Slumach. In 1888 Henderson made a mistake and as a consequence he was never permitted to officiate again. Still, the executioner of Slumach, though not the hangman of Riel, may well have had some connection with the Batoche Rebellion.

Robert Hodson was the excutioner in 1885 of nine Crees associated with the Rebellion. Having noticed his expertise he was invited to move to British Columbia a couple of years later....

Information about Henderson and Hodson: Frank W. Anderson, Hanging in Canada, Heritage House, 1982.

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